Home Energy Savings

Home Energy Savings

Home Engery Savings Tips

With the deep freeze gripping Toronto for another winter, turning the thermostat up to stay warm and toasty inside doesn’t come as a surprise. However, most homeowners don’t know enough about home energy savings and tend to overspend on their energy bills because their house isn’t running as efficiently as possible. Here are a few quick home energy saving tricks that  you can follow to lower your winter energy costs and make your home more energy efficient.GET RID OF LEAKSTake some time to check for cracks and air leaks around your house. The most common areas are windows, doorways and any ventilation to the outside of the house such as a dryer vent. Seal any leaks you find to save about 10% on your heating bills throughout the year.


It isn’t uncommon for older Toronto homes to be un-insulated or under-insulated. Attics and crawl spaces are usually the biggest culprits.  Improve your home energy savings by adding an extra layer of insulation to these problem areas to see your bottom line shrink by 30% on your yearly energy bills.SHOW YOUR FURNACE SOME TLCBy resealing all your duct work around the house, and by fine tuning your furnace, you can keep as much as 13% in your pocket on your year round energy bills. You can use this home energy savings to replace your furnace filter every 3 months and get your ducts cleaned annually, which should save you that much more in the long run.USE A HUMIDIFIERHumid air holds heat much better than its dryer counterpart. Even if the temperature is the same, the humid air will feel much warmer. This allows you the set your thermostat a few degrees lower and still feel comfortable in the house. The simple addition of a humidifier will help you save on your winter energy consumption and energy costs. “Winter Proof Your Home For Big Savings.” Designer Trends Jan. 2016: 11. Print. 

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