The Woodsmith Story: The Beginnings

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The Woodsmith Story:  The journey of a boy who loved to build

  The Woodsmith Story begins as any would, there once was a young boy who loved to build. Now where it goes from there is the interesting part. Mostly because I am one of those rare and lucky people that knew what I wanted to do from the first moments I could remember. You could say I was born to build and have been immersed in it my entire life. From the first tool set I got at age 3 or my endless fascination with every part of a construction project from then on. I have been haunted by building homes my whole life and have loved every minute of it.The dream didn’t start out with running a construction company at all. It actually started with my parents. My dad was an Architect to be and cabinet maker by trade from England and my mother, a true believer in building your dreams. These two ambitious soles spent a lifetime, even to this very day building their dream homes. Now this provided the perfect environment for me the feed my obsession . I actually never lived in a finished home until I was around 25 years old. I took a while to adjust to the idea that each weekend or piece of free time was not necessarily meant to do more work around on the house.So I was born on a construction site and was raised in a on going construction site. When telling the Woodsmith story, one would be correct in saying that if my love wasn’t building I was in the wrong place.  I actually have baby pictures of my first crib, which was a wheel barrow 🙂There is something magical about building. Given you start with nothing more than a pile of sticks and end up with someones home. My enthusiasm for building even with living in it 24hrs a day could not be easily satisfied. As I started to get older, I would always hound my father to come on some of the other sites  he was working on with him and see what those guys were doing.  I can remember seeing guys framing a roof and walking over the wall top plates like the were walking on solid ground. I knew from watching them work, that I wanted to do it myself some day. It wasn’t long after, that I went out and started working for other builders as well as my father. Sucking up every piece of knowledge and experience I could talk myself into. I wanted to learn everything about building there was to know and that desire still remains to this very day. I still want to always learn more about how to build better in order to be a better builder. The Woodsmith story has always centered around my enthusiasm and passion for building has always been my guide in learning whatever I possibility can. It never ceases to amaze me how much there is to know and how we are always getting better at what and how we do it.    

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